host_mgr_sched_wgt_cls_opt = cfg.ListOpt("scheduler_weight_classes", default=["nova.scheduler.weights.all_weighers"], help=""" This is a list of weigher class names. Only hosts which pass the filters are weighed. The weight for any host starts at 0, and the weighers order these hosts by adding to or subtracting from the weight assigned by the previous weigher. Weights may become negative. An instance will be scheduled to one of the N most-weighted hosts, where N is 'scheduler_host_subset_size'. By default, this is set to all weighers that are included with Nova. If you wish to change this, replace this with a list of strings, where each element is the path to a weigher. This option is only used by the FilterScheduler and its subclasses; if you use a different scheduler, this option has no effect. * Services that use this: ``nova-scheduler`` * Related options: None """)
io_ops_weight_mult_opt = cfg.FloatOpt("io_ops_weight_multiplier", default=-1.0, help=""" This option determines how hosts with differing workloads are weighed. Negative values, such as the default, will result in the scheduler preferring hosts with lighter workloads whereas positive values will prefer hosts with heavier workloads. Another way to look at it is that positive values for this option will tend to schedule instances onto hosts that are already busy, while negative values will tend to distribute the workload across more hosts. The absolute value, whether positive or negative, controls how strong the io_ops weigher is relative to other weighers. This option is only used by the FilterScheduler and its subclasses; if you use a different scheduler, this option has no effect. Also note that this setting only affects scheduling if the 'io_ops' weigher is enabled. Valid values are numeric, either integer or float. * Services that use this: ``nova-scheduler`` * Related options: None """)
# Copyright (c) 2011-2012 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License.
""" Pluggable Weighing support """
import abc import six
from nova import loadables
defnormalize(weight_list, minval=None, maxval=None): """Normalize the values in a list between 0 and 1.0. The normalization is made regarding the lower and upper values present in weight_list. If the minval and/or maxval parameters are set, these values will be used instead of the minimum and maximum from the list. If all the values are equal, they are normalized to 0. """
ifnot weight_list: return ()
if maxval isNone: maxval = max(weight_list)
if minval isNone: minval = min(weight_list)
maxval = float(maxval) minval = float(minval)
if minval == maxval: return [0] * len(weight_list)
range_ = maxval - minval return ((i - minval) / range_ for i in weight_list)
@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) classBaseWeigher(object): """Base class for pluggable weighers. The attributes maxval and minval can be specified to set up the maximum and minimum values for the weighed objects. These values will then be taken into account in the normalization step, instead of taking the values from the calculated weights. """
minval = None maxval = None
defweight_multiplier(self): <-------- weight for weigher factor """How weighted this weigher should be. Override this method in a subclass, so that the returned value is read from a configuration option to permit operators specify a multiplier for the weigher. """ return1.0
@abc.abstractmethod def_weigh_object(self, obj, weight_properties): """Weigh an specific object."""
defweigh_objects(self, weighed_obj_list, weight_properties): """Weigh multiple objects. Override in a subclass if you need access to all objects in order to calculate weights. Do not modify the weight of an object here, just return a list of weights. """ # Calculate the weights weights = [] for obj in weighed_obj_list: weight = self._weigh_object(obj.obj, weight_properties)
# Record the min and max values if they are None. If they anything # but none we assume that the weigher has set them if self.minval isNone: self.minval = weight if self.maxval isNone: self.maxval = weight
defget_weighed_objects(self, weighers, obj_list, weighing_properties): <------- """Return a sorted (descending), normalized list of WeighedObjects.""" weighed_objs = [self.object_class(obj, 0.0) for obj in obj_list]
iflen(weighed_objs) <= 1: return weighed_objs
for weigher in weighers: weights = weigher.weigh_objects(weighed_objs, weighing_properties)
# Normalize the weights weights = normalize(weights, minval=weigher.minval, maxval=weigher.maxval)
for i, weight inenumerate(weights): obj = weighed_objs[i] obj.weight += weigher.weight_multiplier() * weight <--------- caculation
cfg.ListOpt("weight_setting", default=[], help=""" This setting specifies the metrics to be weighed and the relative ratios for each metric. This should be a single string value, consisting of a series of one or more 'name=ratio' pairs, separated by commas, where 'name' is the name of the metric to be weighed, and 'ratio' is the relative weight for that metric. Note that if the ratio is set to 0, the metric value is ignored, and instead the weight will be set to the value of the 'weight_of_unavailable' option. As an example, let's consider the case where this option is set to: ``name1=1.0, name2=-1.3`` The final weight will be: ``(name1.value * 1.0) + (name2.value * -1.3)`` This option is only used by the FilterScheduler and its subclasses; if you use a different scheduler, this option has no effect.
Existing monitors in Mitaka, only cpu related
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
openstack/nova/nova/compute/monitors ❯ tree . ├── ├── └── cpu ├── └──
How/What we could do something here?
I could come with two possibilities.
Idea one, tune existing weigher’s mult_opt or weight_setting
The factors are existing weighers, just tune their mult_opt or weight_setting via machine learning. Frankly the default values might not have been properly studied.
To do that: we need to perform edge case on massive concurent VM/VNF instantiations, define a benchmark to evaluate the “good” result we would like to have. Then to provide optimised tunning on existing weigher’s mult_opt or weight_setting.
The key is to push the envrioment into limit, when, in that edge case, booting time, retry times and succefully rate may not be 100% good
The way to colletion data, should be well-considerred
Could take one typical VNF as input to ensure this can benifit at least in one scenario
Or, take as more as possible VNFs, which could possibly have result with less bias( meanwhile maybe useless in small scale of data collections)
Idea two, introduce new dynamic weigher based on online learning
This work actually is based on same work of idea one, but with two differences:
Introduce more factors as input for a new weigher to co-exist with legacy ones, do exactly same thing as idea one to tune their weight arguments properly in lab.
It’s a dynamic weigher , which, let’s call it learning-weigher:
This learning-weigher is with arguments percentent in database instead of in CONF as legacy ones do.
the arguments are being online-learning-updated by a machine learning daemon process.
Find a working model
Telents # I would like to do this part. ☺
Define edge case on Massive concurent VM/VNF instantiations
Two pars as below
Defination edge case
The case should be designed to lead failures to ensure benchmark valid and of cource targeting to be like real work case/cases
Need domain knowledge and experiences from multi parties ☺
Telents # I would like to do this part. ☺
Massive concurent VM/VNF instantiations
need hardware and supports, and ton of executuions for collecting data after being setup
Telents # I have to do this part. ☺
Redesign on nova
For idea 2, this is needed and I can do this part ☺
Telents # low priority :(
Envrionment Requirement
A Cloud Infra allowing CPU over commitment(non-dedicated) workloads
EI(expected improvement) originally comes from: Jones, D. R., Schonlau, M., and Welch, W. J. (1998). “Efficient Global Optimization of Expensive Black-Box Functions.” Journal of Global Optimization, 13: 455–492. MR1673460.
Rasmussen, Carl Edward and Williams, Christopher K. I. Gaussian processes for machine learning. Adaptive computation and machine learning. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 2006. ISBN 978-0-262-18253-9. URL OCLC: ocm61285753.